90-Minute Integrative Energy Healing SessioNs

90-MInute virtual session

What if I could help you to transmute the energy causing that random pain in whatever part of your body and it simply melted away…   

What if I told you logic can't make this make sense but it always works – regardless of whether you trust and believe it will…

What if I told you that pain may be the result of a trapped emotion or even ancestral trauma.. 

Would you come with a curious mind, open heart and a willingness to hold space for a new experience?

Availability is limited

Taking Radical Responsibility for who you came here to be

From the time we are little we are told “we can be anyone we want to be” – but I feel like that phrase should come with some kind of ‘Caution Ahead’ warning. Sure - we can be anyone we want to be – but as a result we also became incredibly skilled at hiding who we really are behind the mask of who society tells us we should be.

By time we reach young adulthood we become more aware of our ability to shift into these different persona's and we start to really tune into how exhausting this masking is. Energetically it's probably been taking a toll for a while at this point. 

Many of us find ourselves on a journey of self-discovery seeking the answers to who we are. And as we begin to peel back the layers we begin to question how we even found ourself here in the first place. And that's because we likely have been praised for being just like everyone else our whole lives and truly celebrated only when we hit the next milestone on the imaginary success checklist.

Now is 
your time

But beneath all of that – your truest essence of self still exists. And you already have within you the inherent ability to heal all parts of self that are trying to be anyone but the person they came here to be. 

Think of your body like a stream with 7 energy centers running down the center. When we operate in alignment with our truest essence of self - the stream runs clear - uninterrupted and we flow through life with ease and clarity. When we operate not in alignment, we start to create and hold stagnant energy all over the body and the flow of water becomes interrupted. 

Through gentle breathwork & with the help of reiki energy we can identify those energetic blocks and begin to clear them - creating space for new opportunities, new relationships, and even new dreams & manifestations to come forward. 

If you are ready to cultivate intentional space for rest & relaxation that can deeply rejuvenate the full mind, body, and spirit then this is what you've been looking for!

What to expect… 


Harness your power to heal

You already have all the power to heal you'll ever need deep within you. I'm just here to help facilitate the flow of universal life force energy. Your body knows where that energy is needed and will always direct the flow of energy to its highest priority for your highest good.


Become embodied & Experience your Glow-up

 When you begin to work with your energy, you begin to come home to your truest essence of self and with that comes an energetic glow up. As you raise your vibration - you may notice shifts in how you present yourself - how you walk, talk, & hold yourself. The glow up is real and people will notice!


Enhance Your Relationships

Tapping into somatic practices helps to bring your body into a more consistently regulated state which allows you to transmute and clear energetic blocks. Clearing energetic space opens up opportunity for new connections to enter your life as well as opens capacity to go deeper with existing connections.


Uncover your blindspots

 Energy work has a gentle way of opening you up so you can see your blindspots in the mirror so that you can more easily take action to shift.

Bringing balance to reset & refresh the mind, body, & soul

Energy healing is unlike anything I've ever experienced. It has this profound ability to help you begin to shift that is truly next level. If you know you are doing all the ‘right things’ and you feel like you've truly tried everything but still can't get the needle to move – then you likely have something that is unresolved and taking up energetic space in your body. 

We can do all the mindset work in the world but if we don't learn to come home to our bodies we miss all the wisdom inherently held there. Mindset work truly can only take us so far. If you want to supercharge your ability to make those quantum leaps, you have to start with the energetic body. 

And I'm here to help!

90-Minute Virtual Session 

Our time together will be centered around the power filled intention we craft together to move you from how you feel in the present moment to how you Desire to feel

If you are looking for longer term support – 1:1 Mentorship Opportunities are available 

Align with your truest essence of self

Discover who you came here to be


If I knew then - what I know now - I would have treated my energetic health just like my physical, mental & emotional health - Are you ready to be the one that changes that for your entire lineage?

It's time to transmute the energy that is no longer serving you

What to expect at your virtual

 Integrative Energy Healing Session


Real Time Check-in

We’ll begin by tapping into how you're feeling in the present moment.


 Grounding Meditation 

We will take a few minutes to ground ourselves and connect with the body. Then we will begin with a meditation to determine where to focus our energy during this session.


Intention setting

Together we will craft a power filled intention for how you desire to feel after our session that will be our anchor point for the session.



 You will lay down in a comfortable space where you feel safe to receive and your only job will be to focus on your breath while I facilitate the flow of universal life force energy to support your highest good and highest healing.


What came through wrap up

We will come back together to discuss anything that came through during the session and share ways to support your energy more intentionally moving forward.

Each session is unique to the person. 

To get the most out of our time together, I invite you to come with a curious mind and open heart. If you are believe you will desire additional support after our session concludes but are not ready to invest in a 1:1 mentorship opportunity, consider the add on option at checkout. 


What Can I bring to the session?

Anything to support your energy. Many clients like to have a blanket or a small pillow accessible. Candles, crystals, smudge spray, Palo Santo, journals are all welcome.

What does Reiki feel like?

Reiki feels different for everyone - you may experience tingling, hot or cold sensations, deep relaxation, lightness, clarity, or even nothing. 

Some may experience a feeling of energy pulsing, emotional releases, or even visual experiences.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Some of the benefits of Reiki include - stress or anxiety relief, a strengthened immune system, pain relief, a calmer mind, relaxed muscles, deeper than normal relaxation. 

I have struggled with breathwork before, how is this going to be different?

I work with restorative breathwork, meaning we will simply turn our attention to the breath in an intentional way in order for the body to relax deeper into the experience. We will not be doing any kind of breath activation as part of this. 

WILL there be follow up guidance provided?

Yes, you will receive an emailed recap of our wrap up portion of the session that will include next steps and best practices for energetic hygiene moving forward.


I do not record these sessions.

Your virtual session will leave you ...

Feeling Rested and relaxed

 with the tools needed to support your energetic hygiene moving forward

with a deeper sense of clarity aound the things you've been anxiously ruminating on

with meditation & mindfulness practices to support the version of self that you are becoming

with confidence that you are your own medicine

kind words from clients

"As a millennial who is always on the go, it’s rare to find those moments where I can justify rest and recovery. Working with Alyson as a Reiki Practitioner gave me the chance to truly rest, relax, receive and honestly just focus on my breath for a while.

I was a little skeptical. I am new to energy healing/the spiritual space and I’m still personally working through how it aligns with my life but I would definitely work with Alyson again."

—Sam D.

"My session with Alyson was amazing! I’ve done Reiki a few times but this was the first time I felt really connected and completely relaxed.

Plus Alyson channeled such impactful and aligned insights for me - it’s like she was in my head! It was exactly the kind of guidance I was searching for, and she delivered everything in a way that I could connect with.

You NEED to work with Alyson! "

—Ashley O.

"I just honestly can't remember the last time I felt this relaxed. I feel so light, vibrant, and joyful following the session. It was like I full purged an insane amount of energetic weight. The guidance all felt spot on and I'm surprised to feel clarity around a big decision I've been avoiding for months.

Thank you for encouraging me to try this even though I was so resistant at first. I can't wait to do another session!"

—Gemma H.

"Dear Alyson,

Wow this session blew me away and exceeded all my expectations! It was so beautiful and powerful - grounding and empowering 😍🧚‍♂️

Feeling so grateful and full of energy after the session! Afterwards, I went to the forest and my pain lessened already 🙏🏼 feeling better and lighter now and resting ✨

Thank you so much for taking the time and for your wonderful energy 🫂💕

So glad you chose yourself, thus path and that you share your magic! 🫶🏼"

—Aylin K.

Intuitive Life Coach & Integrative energy Practitioner

Alyson Haines

The day I felt the most seen I had ever felt was the day I became a certified Reiki Practioner. It is a true gift to be able to share this magic with all of you.

These sessions have been meticulously crafted to weave together intuitive soul-led life coaching, breathwork & reiki in order to curate somatic experiences that will leave you feeling empowered by your own inherent ability to heal and confident that you are becoming exactly the person you came here to be.

You are the only magic you'll ever need, I'm just here to help you see what's existed all along.