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1-Hour Astrological Timing Session Reading
Explore your life's timeline - your peaks & valley's through zodiacal releasing, lunar progressions & transits.
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There is always more to explore about yourself and your connection to the universe. Stretch your virtual timing session 30 minutes and we can use the time to go deeper into the cosmo's, do a short energy healing session, or tap into your personal akashic records for further wisdom & insight. 


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There is always more to explore about yourself and your connection to the universe. Stretch your virtual timing session 30 minutes and we can use the time to go deeper into the cosmo's, do a short energy healing session, or tap into your personal akashic records for further wisdom & insight. 


"I was blown away by how insanely accurate the dates were. I've always struggled with the idea of divine timing but this reading may have just made me a believer. Alyson was so knowledgeable and really took the time to dig into my questions. I also really appreciated her follow up after the session because it definitely took me some time to integrate the knowledge. Would 100% recommend a session to a friend."
Megan D.
Your order summary
1-Hour Astrological Timing Session Reading
Explore your life's timeline - your peaks & valley's through zodiacal releasing, lunar progressions & transits.
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30 Additional Minutes

There is always more to explore about yourself and your connection to the universe. Stretch your virtual timing session 30 minutes and we can use the time to go deeper into the cosmo's, do a short energy healing session, or tap into your personal akashic records for further wisdom & insight. 


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30 Additional Minutes

There is always more to explore about yourself and your connection to the universe. Stretch your virtual timing session 30 minutes and we can use the time to go deeper into the cosmo's, do a short energy healing session, or tap into your personal akashic records for further wisdom & insight.